When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132


Chapter 1132

Mike had not thought of how dangerous it would be, and instantly started to panic at her words. 

“You don’t have to worry too much, though. Henry is old, and Cole is too frail to be your match. You wouldn’t be at a disadvantage if it ends in a fist fight,” she said. 

“Thank you for believing in me, but I think I’m not that much better than Cole!” Mike sighed. “Don’t worry, my bodyguard will protect you.” Avery glanced at the time. “You should go now! 

“I thought you were going to mention to Layla that I’ve moved out?” Mike had just eaten and wanted to rest. 

“Why didn’t you mention it during dinner, then?” She lifted an eyebrow. “I’ll tell her later. You are still coming over tomorrow night, right?” 

With that said, she went to find her bodyguard. 

Once they exited the room, Avery exited the house and walked around the community in search of Elliot and her children. 

“Mom! The gardenias are blooming! They smell so nice!” Layla spotted Avery and picked a gardenia, before handing it to her. Avery accepted the flower and took a sniff. “Mm, it smells really good! But we can’t pick the flowers here! If you like gardenias, we can plant gardenia trees in our yard.” “Dad said it’s okay.” Layla pouted. “Dad said I can pick them.” 

Avery looked up at Elliot. “Can’t you instill some discipline in her?” “It’s just flowers. She can pick them if she wants and I can just replace… them.” Elliot grew weaker near the end of the sentence because Avery’s expression became sterner by the second. 

“Layla, let’s not pick flowers outside the community from now on. Let me know what kind of flowers you like, and I will have someone buy them for you,” Elliot immediately changed his tune. 

Layla took Avery’s hand and chuckled. “Mom, Daddy is so scared of you!” 

“That’s because he did something wrong. When he is right, he wouldn’t be scared of me at all! “Avery glared at Avery. 

“Avery, I really don’t think that we need to get so serious over such little things.” 

“You aren’t this way with your sister. What did you say this morning? Have you already forgotten about it?” she said. “As parents, not only do we need to care for our children, we also need to teach them values.” 

“Alright.” Elliot accepted the lecture obediently. “Elliot, don’t you think that our lives right now resemble retirement? Every day we have breakfast, go out for a walk, come back, have lunch, take a nap, get up, have dinner, FTYDK= MK go on another walk… A day just passes us by like that,” she said as she watched the light 

fade from the sky. 

“It’s still quite different from retirement. Our kids won’t be by our side by the time we retire.” Elliot watched over Robert, who rested peacefully in his stroller and started to imagine the scene where all of his children had grown up. “We can get a dog then,” Avery proposed. “I don’t like things that shed,” he responded with disgust. 

“Consider yourself lucky if the dog should look down on you by then. You would be in no place to look down on the dog,” Avery whispered. Elliot felt bitter and started to doubt if Avery was starting to grow tired of him. “Avery, let’s move to my house!” he said. “Your house doesn’t have a gym, and there isn’t enough space for a gym as well.” Avery knew that Elliot exercised regularly, and she considered his proposal. “But Hayden wouldn’t want to move in with you,” she pointed out. “Hayden is overseas. When he comes back, we can move back here or to a larger place.” Elliot looked at his daughter and said, “Layla, would you like to move to Daddy’s place? I have a huge yard for you to plant whatever flowers you like.” “Elliot, you scheming old fox. You know it’s easier to convince me if you have our daughter on your side,” Avery said sarcastically. “How can I be your husband if I don’t know you well?” Elliot turned back to Layla. “I can set up a piano room and a dancing studio for you at my house…”

